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School Uniform

The school uniform at St. Saviour’s is a very important part of the life at our school. Everybody wears exactly the same uniform and it identifies children as being part of the St. Saviour’s family.

Children must wear the official items of uniform which have an embroidered school logo on them - please see the uniform list below for more information. 

You can now order uniform from the Stitch Design website. We only stock second hand uniform in school, which can be ordered from Miss Rogers (, or purchased at one of the regular second hand uniform sales in school.

Please click the ‘Online Uniform Orders’ button below to find information about how to order your uniform online.

Grey trousers and skirts, summer dresses and cardigans and shoes/trainers can be purchased from local high street stores and they are reasonably priced. The style of these items is left up to you although trainers should be completely black and summer dresses should be gingham squares rather than stripes. 

It is very important for children to wear their PE kits on their PE days. Your class teacher will inform you as to when your child should wear their kit.