Charity Work
As we are a school which works ‘Together’ to live and grow in the love of Jesus Christ we ensure that we do our part to support charities and our neighbours across the world.
Through Collective Worship we share with the children about different charities across the world and worldly events or disasters which we can think about supporting.
Our Charity Committee
The Charity Committee was set up to organise all the money that the children collect throughout the year. The Committee meets regularly with their Committee Leader, a teacher or TA in school.
The Committee’s aim is to organise and raise funds for charities. We help to organise events in our school and community to raise money for those in need. We meet to discuss and learn about how we can make a difference in our community and the world. This is very important to us.
Special Events
In order to raise money for charities, we may hold additional non-uniform days or sponsored events.
Other charities we have recently supported: